The proposals build on the principles set down by the Local
Plan allocation, creating a green, spacious development with a range of house sizes suitable for first time buyers, families and the elderly. The proposals retain the existing WWII Pill Box, creating new green spaces and a trim trail for use by existing and new residents.
A new village green area will be created adjacent to the church, and the proposals retain the habitat rich trees and hedgerows. Alongside this, new planting of native species will further encourage biodiversity above and beyond what is seen on the agriculturally farmed land.
The vehicular access onto Howlett Way would be a new roundabout, with no access (other than pedestrian / cycle links) onto Church Lane.
The site is well suited for the provision of new homes for a number of reasons. It is enclosed by existing development and roads on most sides, including Howlett Way to the north and the A14, meaning that new housing would be contained and there would be limited impact on the wider countryside.
It is within walking distance of shops and services which the new residents would help support. A new crossing point will be located in High Road between the McColl’s convenience store and Mariners Public House. It is also adjacent to the main bus route serving the area, which will help to reduce journeys by car as much as possible.
The scheme will include new play areas, trim trail, village green and leisure space as well as a new Early Years Centre for nursery education.
Our proposals for the land to the south of Howlett Way includes:
New homes
Up to 340 new homes, in a range of styles and sizes. The look and position of these homes would be set at a more detailed planning stage (called Reserved Matters) when a housing developer is on board and looking to deliver the new homes;
Up to one third of the new homes would be a mix of below market rent and shared ownership, allowing people to get onto the housing ladder and access affordable housing on low incomes;
Parking spaces will be provided at standards set by Suffolk Coastal District Council which reflect local car ownership and also provides for off-road general visitors spaces.
A well designed, green scheme
We have sought to retain, where possible, existing trees and hedgerows, providing strong site boundaries and enhanced habitats for wildlife. New trees and landscaping will be provided across the site to enhance its biodiversity;
A carefully designed landscaping scheme will help to maintain and retain the existing pill box structure at the centre of the site to create an interesting historic feature;
A new series of green spaces will thread through the site, creating pleasant walks and opportunities for significant landscaping. A children’s playground is also included within the scheme.
A trim trail wraps around the site, providing opportunities to exercise locally.
A connected development
A single vehicular entrance onto Howlett Way from a new roundabout.
Pedestrian links will be provided through the site to existing rights of way as well as onto Church Lane;
The proposals are within a short walk of the local shops and bus services;
Financial contributions will be provided towards the Council's Community Infrastructure Levy which is used to fund new school places, enhanced health infrastructure road improvement schemes, libraries, sports facilities and other infrastructure improvements in the local area.
You can access more detailed information about the application here.