On this page, you will find a summary of the most requested documents for our planning application for Howlett Way. This includes site plans, archaeology reports, ecological appraisals and landscaping documents. You can find all of these documents on our application’s page on East Suffolk Council’s website - application number DC/20/1860/OUT.
This is a drawing, showing the boundaries of the proposed site, existing buildings and elevation of the land nearby. It has been prepared by Saunders Architecture+Urban Design.
This is a drawing, showing the boundaries of the proposed site, existing buildings and elevation of the land nearby. It has been prepared by Saunders Architecture+Urban Design.
This is an illustrative, indicative masterplan for the site, showing the suggested layout of roads, building locations, green features and spaces and access points to the site. It has been prepared by Saunders Architecture+Urban Design.
This is a technical drawing of the proposed roundabout which will provide access to the site, including road widths, footpaths and road markings. It has been prepared by Development Transport Planning.
This is a technical image, showing the locations of existing ecological features, those to be removed and those to be added, as well as protected zones and other features. It has both a diagram superimposed on the site outline and one over the masterplan. It has been prepared by Hayden’s Aboricultural Consultants.
Archaeology Report
This gives a brief summary of the archaeology of the site, which has been one of the considerations in putting together the planning application. This has been prepared by Andrew Josephs Associates. It covers the relevant legislation and guidelines, the findings of geophysical surveys, trial trenches, the impact of the proposal and mitigation.
This section is a technical Archaeological Evaluation Report and covers the geology of the site and the methodology and findings in more detail, including technical diagrams and analysis. This has been prepared by Andrew Josephs Associates and PCAS Archaeology.
This section is an appendix item to the main report, found in Part 2. It includes a Monuments diagram and the OASIS data collection form completed for the site project.
Design and Access Statement
Design and Access Statement Part 1
This document provides a reader-friendly summary of the site location, proposed boundaries, planning policy, site photographs, character study, vehicle, pedestrian and cycle links, public transport, frontages and building heights, the status of the old poultry farm, the future of residential development in Trimley and a Views Out and Views In study. The rest of the document is in parts 2-5.
It has been prepared by Saunders Architecture+Urban Design, with contributions by Trinity College Cambridge, Bidwells, Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants, Aspect Ecology, Development Tranpsort Planning, Terrafirma, Hayden’s Arboricultural Consultants, MEC, Andrew Josephs Associates and Meeting Place Communications.
Design and Access Statement Part 2
This document picks up where Part 1 ends. It covers heritage impact and analysis, archaeological analysis, ecological analysis, landscape analysis, drainage analysis, arboricultural analysis, site constraints, site opportunities and pre-application consultation, comments and our response.
Design and Access Statement Part 3
This document follows on from Part 2. It covers changes we made to our designs based on the pre-application feedback we received from our consultations, the discussions we held with Trimley St Martin and Trimley St Mary Parish Councils, the community consultation we undertook in 2018 and the further changes we introduced to our plans based on the feedback we received.
Design and Access Statement Part 4
This document follows on from Part 3. It covers our second pre-application consultation held in 2019 and the Church Lane car park consultation. It then moves on to the proposals we are submitting to the council, covering the development layout, with detailed diagrams and drawings of the site, on-site landscaping and open space, frontage on to Howlett Way and green spaces on the site, including location plans and artists impressions.
Design and Access Statement Part 5
This document follows Part 4, carrying on the description of our current proposals. It covers public rights of way on the site, drainage channels and hedgerows, site boundaries, ecology, heritage, drainage, surface water, flood risk and access including the roundabout, pedestrian and cycle access, roads, refuse and parking. It also includes a conclusion, summarising the whole document.
This document covers the ecological surveys undertake, including the methodologies employed, existing ecological features, the cumulative impact of the proposal, mitigation measures we are undertaking and ecological enhancements that will be included in the development. It has been prepared by Aspect Ecology.
This document covers legislation and assessment, site location plans, ecological designations considered under the Local Plan and walking route options plans. It has been prepared by Aspect Ecology.
This document covers the on- and off-site heritage that impacts on the proposals. It includes government policy towards heritage considerations, our methodology, historical context, on-site heritage assets, off-site heritage assets, the application and an impact assessment. It has been prepared by Bidwells.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Part 1
This document covers the landscape and visual impact of the proposal. The first part covers national regulations on landscaping and visual impact considerations, local planning policy which includes East Suffolk’s Development Management Policies (from when the council was Suffolk Coastal), the Area Action Plan for Felixstowe Peninsula and Suffolk County Character Assessments. As well as the regulations, it includes the methodology used, landscape baseline conditions including soil, topography, vegetation and rights of way, an appraisal of the proposals landscape impact and mitigation. Finally, the document also includes Appendix 1 and Appendix 2, which cover the evaluation criteria used in the Landscaping Effects Assessment and the evaluation criteria for the Visual Effects Assessment respectively. It has been prepared by Terrafirma Landscape Architects for Bidwells.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Part 2
This document covers Appendix 2, which is comprised of technical drawings and diagrams showing the heritage designations, site opportunities and constraints, the existing site, topography and local landscape character areas.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Part 3
This document follows from Part 2, comprised of technical drawings and diagrams showing local landscape character areas, zone of theoretical visibility, viewpoint location diagrams and on-site photographs.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Part 4
This follows from Part 3 and is comprised of on-site photographs.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal
This document is an assessment of the proposals noise, vibration, air quality and odour impact. It includes a description of the existing site, the noise criteria used, the noise survey, the noise impact assessment, air quality standards, air quality assessment methodology and the results of the air quality assessment. It has 9 appendices which include technical drawings of the site, noise measurements, definitions of terms and units and traffic data, among other technical points. It has been prepared by Mewies Engineering Consultants.
The Planning Statement has been put together to support the outline planning application for the proposal. It provides background information to the scheme, the planning history of the site, local and national planning policy, a summary of pre-application engagement, a summary of the proposals and a planning assessment. It has been prepared by Bidwells.
This document covers the flood risk management work that has been undertaken for the proposal. It includes a description of the site, definitions of flood hazards, the probability of flooding, the impact of climate change, a flood risk impact assessment, a flood risk management plan, a management and maintenance plan and an analysis of residual risks. It has been prepared by Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants.
This document is the appendices to Part 1. It includes a topographical survey, FEH rainfall data, a development masterplan, soils investigation data, drainage calculations for dwellings, roads, highways and the early years centre, Suffolk County Council Surface Water Drainage Proforma and a health and safety risk assessment.
This document covers the transport and access considerations of the proposal. In the main section, it covers the site location and local highway network, site accessibility, the proposed development, development travel assessment, effects and impacts and policy considerations. In the appendices, it goes into greater details about the traffic impacts, including specific roads, cycle maps, bus timetables and access points, among other issues. It was prepared by Development Transport Planning.
This document is an appendix to Part 1. It is comprised of technical drawings and figures, including site location, proposed roundabout access arrangements, proposed zebra crossings, Howlett Way/High Street roundabout improvements and the Howlett Way pedestrian refuge. Tree Survey AIA and Protection Plan
This document covers the trees and arboricultural considerations of the site. It includes a description of the existing site, the tree survey, an arboricultural impact assessment, design advice, preliminary arboricultural method statemen, a tree protection plan and limitations and qualifications of the methodology that has been used. It has been prepared by Hayden’s Arboricultural Consultants.
This document sets out the public and stakeholder engagement that has been conducted to support the planning application. It covers the requirements and guidelines for consultations, details of meetings with local parish councils and stakeholders, engagements with the public, both online and through an exhibition, a summary of the feedback we received, how we have responded to the feedback and special attention to proposed parking on Church Lane. It also includes appendices, with consultation materials we used. It has been prepared by Meeting Place Communications.