The growth of jobs in Felixstowe and the Trimleys, driven by expansion of the Port, means that employment is now out of balance with the availability of housing in the local area.
As a result, more of the new jobs are being taken up by people who are not able to find a home in Felixstowe or the Trimleys, even if they would like one. This had led to an increase in commuting from other towns on a daily basis and less spending money being retained in the local economy, trends that Suffolk Coastal District Council does not wish to encourage.
The population in the area is increasing at the same time as average house-hold sizes are falling, further increasing the need for housing. The number and type of new homes provided in recent years has not matched this increase in demand.
To address these issues, Suffolk Coastal District Council’s Felixstowe Area Action Plan (FAAP) has allocated land for a minimum of 1,760 new homes to be built in Felixstowe, Walton and the Trimleys by 2027.
Howlett Way has been allocated for development in East
Suffolk Council’s Local Plan since 2017. The selection of the site for development was subject to a rigorous process of analysis by the Council and an independent Planning Inspector.
The proposals build on the principles set down by the Local
Plan allocation, creating a green, spacious development with a range of house sizes suitable for first time buyers, families and the elderly.